The mission was founded September 8, 1797 by Fray Fermin Francisco de Lasuen.  Their water source was several springs that provided abundant water and vast irrigation.  These irrigations are close to the Los Angeles river.

The mission is one of the largest missions in Alta California.  It was a traditional quadrangle mission.  A large hospice called The Convento or “long building” branched off the quadrangle.  The mission had a church, workshop, courtyard, friars quarters, Mayor Domo’s quarters, and soldiers quarters.  There was a bell tower and a quartyard.


The Mission grew very fast and by 1799 it was too small to accommodate the church.  The church was rebuilt in 1806 and the other mission buildings were enlarged.  The mission had been damaged by earthquakes and vandalism.  In 1974 they rebuilt an exact replica of the church.  

Mission Today 

The mission today is beautifully cared for.

Today the Mission can still be found in the city of Los Angeles.

It is used for a lot of movies because it is located right next to Hollywood.  It is also very popular for visitors.  It has one of the oldest libraries in California.

On March 8th 1842 Francisco Lopez discovered gold particles on the roots of wild onion bulbs.

This mission was built near a growing pueblo of Los Angeles rather than the wilderness.